A Scholastic
Book Fair is coming to our school from November 14 to November 18, and
students will have a preview of the Fair on Monday and Tuesday.
It’s a great opportunity for students to find books that really interest them.
We know kids read more books when they get to choose their own. The more kids
read, the more their reading skills improve.
If for
some reason you can’t make it or you want to continue shopping from an expanded
selection, you can now visit the Fair online – www.scholastic.com/schoolbookfairs.
The Online Book Fair will be available from November 15 to December 05, 2011.
The Online Book Fair will be available from November 15 to December 05, 2011.
The online
is available for an
extended time and all orders ship FREE to school
provides a chance for you
and your child to create and send wish lists to invite friends and family to
participate in the Book Fair
offers an expanded book
selection for all ages—from preschool to adult.
in-school and online Book Fair purchases benefit our school. Thanks for helping
get more kids reading, kids reading more.
See you at the
Book Fair!
November 14-December 05